include ../unreal/prelude
#Nim UClasses can derive from the same classes that blueprints can derive from.
uClass AExampleActor of AActor:
(BlueprintType, Blueprintable) #Class specifiers follow the C++ convention.
uprops(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite): #you can declare multiple UPROPERTIES in one block
exampleValue : FString #They are declare as nim properties.
anotherVale : int #notice int in nim is int64. while in c++ it is int32.
anotherValueInt32 : int32 #this would be equivalent to int32
predValue : FString = "Hello" #you can assign a default value to a property.
predValueInt : int = 20 + 10 #you can even use functions (the execution is deferred)
nameTest : FString = self.getName() #you can even use functions within the actor itself. It is accessible via this or self.
#In general when using the equal symbol in a uClass declaration, a default constructor will be generated.
#you can specify a custom constructor if you want to by defining a regular nim function and adding the pragma uconstructor
proc myExampleActorCostructor(self: AExampleActorPtr, initializer: FObjectInitializer) {.uConstructor.} =
UE_Log "The constructor is called for the actor"
#you can override the values set by the default constructor too since they are added adhoc before this constructor is called.
self.predValue = "Hello World"
#Notice that you rarelly will need to define a custom constructor for your class. Since the CDO can be set within the DSL.
#UFunctions can be added by adding the pragma uFunc, and for each meata, another pragma:
#Since in nim functions are separated from the type they are declared in, you need to specify the type as the first argument.
proc myUFunction(self: AExampleActorPtr, param : FString) : int32 {. ufunc, BlueprintCallable .} =
UE_Log "UFunction called"
#You can also use the uFunctions macro to declare multiple uFunctions at once. This is the preferred way.
(BlueprintCallable, self:AExampleActorPtr) #you must specify the type and any shared meta like this.
proc anotherUFunction(param : FString) : int32 = 10 #now you can define the function as you normally would.
proc yetAnotherUFunction(param : FString) : FString =
self.getName() #you can access to the actor itself by the name you specify in the uFunctions macro.
proc customPragma(param : FString) : int32 {. BlueprintPure .} = 10 #you can also specify custom pragmas per functions rather than creating a new block
proc callFromTheEditor() {. CallInEditor .} =
UE_Log "Call from the editor. Changed again now with the watcher. Was change this, asa"
proc test(param:int32) = discard