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Engine example

include ../unreal/prelude
import ../unreal/bindings/[engine]
# import ../unreal/bindings/exported/[slate, slatecore]
# import ../unreal/bindings/exported/nimforue
import ../codegen/[uemeta]
import std/random
# uStruct FNimTableRowBase of FTableRowBase:
# (BlueprintType)
# uprop(EditAnywhere):
# testProperty: FString
# montage: UAnimMontagePtr
# uStruct FNimPPSettings:# of FPostProcessSettings:
# (BlueprintType)
# uprops(EditAnywhere, BlueprintType):
# testProperty: FString
proc getOwner2*(obj : UActorComponentPtr): AActorPtr {.importcpp: "#->GetOwner()".}
uClass ANimEngineActor of AActor:
(BlueprintType, Blueprintable)
uprops(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite):
settings : FNimPPSettings
testProperty : FString
settings.testProperty = "TestCDOOutter"
testProperty = "TestCDOInner"
proc modifySettings() =
self.settings.testProperty = "Test2"
uClass UNimActorComponentTest of UActorComponent:
(BlueprintType, Blueprintable)
uprops(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite):
componentProp : FString
proc testFunc2() =
UE_Log "Test function 2 called"
UE_Log $self
# findObject[UPackage](nil, convertToLongScriptPackageName(packageName))
# UE_Log $self.getOwner()
let name = "BP_StaticMeshActor_C_1"
# let actor = findObject[UObject](nil, name)
let actor = self.getOwner2()
UE_Log $actor
UE_Log $actor.isNil()
UE_Log "Ends testfunc"
# let world = getCurrentActiveWorld()
# UE_Log $world
# UE_Log $world.isNil()